Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Yogi Bear Movie?!?

I had forgotten that this was in the works, and now that I'm seeing adverts for it, my rage builds again.

Do we really need this? I understand that Hollywood is relying on name recognition nowadays, but seriously, there's got to be better franchises out there. I'm not a huge fan of cartoons about anthropomorphic talking animals recreated in CG with live actors (Garfield, The Chipmunks, etc.)

I mean, they could have taken the money they used to create BooBoo in one scene, and given it to a charity or hospital. (Or given it to me.)

Monday, October 25, 2010

We would have such a good time

I recently had a dream that I was drinking buddies with Richard Belzer. When I woke up, I was very disappointed to realize it was only a dream, and he and I never got together at Arnold's Bar and had a beer together. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

We've all done it

I just sneezed and fired an not-insignificant-sized glob of snot onto my arm. I'm honestly surprised that much mucus was hiding in my nasal passages.

I'm not even annoyed I had to wash my entire forearm in the sink. I'm actually kinda impressed.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

'Running Man'

So I just re-watched "The Running Man" with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Fun action flick from the late 80's. It's got two fights in the first 5 minutes, so you know it's good. Not to mention his one-liners. (Saying a Bad Guy "Had to split" after cutting him in half? Priceless.)

Why hasn't Hollywood remade this gem? I'd actually like to see that., truth be told. It has a lot of themes that register with today's audience: reality shows, government 'control', spandex.

Who's with me? Who would like to see a "Running Man" remake?

Maybe I should lay off the Modern Warfare 2 before bed

Just fyi, playing Call of Duty, then going to bed and reading Harry Potter will give you some messed up dreams.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Geek Discussion Question

Sauron's One Ring of Power was a Horcrux.


(And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you should be ashamed of yourself.)